Ruffles and Flourishes Doily

DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton, size 30:-4 skeins or balls each White, Shd. Peaches and Shd. Greens (sufficient for Centerpiece and 4 Place settings). Crochet hook No. 13. CENTERPIECE-(Size 18")
ROW 1: With White ch 12, join with sl st to form ring. ch 1, sc in ring, (ch 5, sc in ring) 11 times, ch 2, join with dc in 1st sc.
ROW 2: Ch 8, dc in next lp, (ch 5, dc in next lp) 10 times, ch 5, join with sl st in 3d st of ch-8.
ROW 3: Sl st to center st of next ch-5, ch 7, dtr in same st, (ch 7, 2 dtr in center st of next ch-5) repeated around, join with sl st in top of ch-7.
ROW 4: Sl st in next dtr, sc in next lp, * (ch 3, sc in same lp) 3 times, ch 3, sk 2 dtr, sc in next lp. Repeat from * around, join to 1st sc (48 lps).
ROWS 5 thru 9: Sl st to center of next lp, sc in same place, (ch 3, sc in next lp) repeated around, join to 1st sc. Repeat 4 times.
ROWS 10 & 11: Make 2 rows of ch-4 lps.
ROWS 12 & 13: Make 2 rows of ch-5 lps.
ROW 14: Sl st to center of next lp, sc in same place, (ch 12, sk 1 lp, sc in next lp) repeated around, join to 1st sc.
ROW 15: Sl st to 4th ch of next lp, sc in same st, * (ch 4, sc in same lp) 3 times, ch 4, sc in next lp. Repeat from * around, join to 1st sc.
ROW 16: Sl at to center of next lp, sc in same lp, * (ch 4, sc in next lp) twice, ch 12, sc in 1st of 3 ch-4 lps on next large lp. Repeat from * around, join.
ROW 17: Sl at to center of next lp, sc in same lp, * ch 4, sc in next lp, ch 2, sc in next ch-12 lp, (ch 4, sc in same lp) 3 times, ch 2, sc in next ch-4 lp. Repeat from * around, ch 2, join to 1st sc. Fasten off. Join to 1st ch-4 lp on one large lp. Repeat from * around join. ROW 16 twice (thru ROW 21).
ROW 22: Join Shd. Greens to center ch-4 lp on one large lp, ch 7, (6 tr in next lp, ch 2, 6 tr in 1st ch-4 lp on next large lp, ch 2, tr in next lp, ch 2) repeated around, join to 5th st of ch-7.
ROW 23: Ch 5, 2 tr in same st, * ch 5, holding back the last lp of each tr on hook, make tr in next 6 tr, thread over and draw thru all 7 lps on hook (Cluster made), ch 5, sl st in top of cluster for a p, ch 5, tr in next 6 tr made into a cluster, a p, ch 5, 3 tr in next single tr. Repeat from * around, join to top of 1st ch-5.
ROW 24: Ch 7, dtr in same st, (2 dtr in next tr) twice, * ch 5, 6 tr in center (3d) st of ch-5 between next 2 ps, ch 5, 2 dtr in each of next 3 tr. Repeat from * around, join to ch-7.
ROW 25: Ch 7, dtr in next 5 dtr, * ch 8, tr in next 6 tr made into a cluster, a p, ch 8, dtr in next 6 dtr. Repeat from * around, join to ch-7. Fasten off.
ROW 26: Join White in same st, ch 7, dtr in next 5 dtr, (ch 8, dtr in next p, ch 8, dtr in next 6 dtr) repeated around, join to ch-7.
ROW 27: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 5 dtr, * 9 sc in next lp, sc in dtr, 9 sc in next lp, sc in next 6 dtr repeated around, join in back lp of 1st sc.
ROW 28: Ch 12, sk 4 sc, dtr in back lp of next sc, (ch 5, sk 4 sc, dtr in back lp of next sc) repeated around, join to 7th at of ch-12.
ROW 29: Sl st to center st of next lp, ch 12, dtr in center at of next lp, (ch 5, dtr in center st of next lp) repeated around, join to 7th st of ch-12.
ROW 30: Repeat Row 29 except start with ch 13 and make ch-6 lps around.
ROW 31: 7 sc in each ch-6 lp around.
ROW 32: Sl st to back lp of 4th sc in next lp, ch 14, dtr in back lp of 4th sc on next lp, (ch 7, dtr in back lp of 4th sc on next lp) repeated around, join to 7th st of ch- 14.
ROWS 33 & 34: Repeat Row 29 twice except start with ch-14 and make ch-7 lps around.
ROW 35: 7 sc in each lp around, join.
Frill:(Ch 5, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc) repeated around, join to 1st sc.
ROW 2: Sl st to center of next lp, sc in same place, (ch 5, sc in next lp) repeated around, join to 1st sc.
ROWS 3 thru 5: Repeat Row 2, having 1 ch more between sc's in each row. Join. (ch-8 lps in 5th Row). Fasten off.
ROW 6: Join Shd. Greens to 4th ch of one lp, ch 6, dc in next ch, (ch 4, dc in 4th st of next lp, ch 3, dc in next ch) repeated around, join to 3d st of ch-6. Fasten off.
ROW 7: Join Shd. Peaches to any ch-3 sp, ch 3, (dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in same ch-3 sp, * ch 4, sk next ch-4, (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next ch-3 sp. Repeat from * around, join to ch-3. Fasten off. Repeat Frill twice,-on sc-Rows 27 and 31, working in remaining front lps of sc rows.
Flower: With Shd. Peaches ch 8, join with sl st to form ring.
ROW 1: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring. Join with sl at in back lp of 1st sc.
Petals: * Ch 4, 2 tr in same sc, ch 5, sl st in last tr for a p, 2 tr in back lp of next sc, ch 4, sl st in same sc, sl st in back lp of next sc. Repeat from * 5 times. Cut 8" long, thread to a needle and sew center of flower at top of one 6-dtr group in Row 25. Make 24 Flowers and sew one on each 6-dtr group.
PLACE MAT: (Size 12 inches)-(Make 4)-Repeat Centerpiece thru Row 27, then work Frill. Make 24 Flowers and sew on as for Centerpiece.
BREAD AND BUTTER PLATE DOILY: (Size 8 inches) Make 4)-Repeat Rows 1 and 2.
ROW 3: Sc in next ch-5 lp, (ch 3, sc in same lp, ch 3, sc in next lp) repeated around, join to 1st sc. Then make 2 rows of ch-4 lps and 1 row of ch-5 lps. Then repeat Rows 14, 15, 16 and 17. Fasten off. Then repeat Row 22.
NEXT ROW: Ch 5, 2 tr in same st, * ch 6, a 6-tr Cluster in next tr-group, a p, ch 5, a 6-tr dluster in next group, a p, ch 6, 3 tr in next tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
NEXT ROW: Repeat Row 24 except make ch-6 between all tr and dtr groups.
NEXT ROW: Repeat Row 25 except make ch-12 between all groups.
NEXT ROW: Join White, ch 7, dtr in next 5 dtr, * ch 6, dtr in next ch-12 lp, ch 6, dtr in next p, ch 6, dtr in next lp, ch 6, dtr in next 6 dtr. Repeat from * around, join.
NEXT ROW: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 5 dtr, * (6 sc in next lp, sc in next dtr) 3 times, 6 sc in next lp, sc in next 6 dtr. Repeat from * around, join. Repeat Frill. Make 12 Flowers and sew on as for Centerpiece.
Glass DOILY—(Size 6 1/2 inches)—(Make 4)—Repeat Rows 1 & 2. Fasten off.
ROW 3: Join Shd. Greens to one dc, ch 7, * (6 tr in center ch of next ch-5 lp) twice, ch 2, tr in next dc, ch 2 and repeat from * around, join to 5th ch of ch-7.
ROW 4: Repeat Row 23.
ROW 5: Repeat Row 24 except make ch-8 between all groups.
ROW 6: Ch 7, dtr in next 5 dtr, * ch 7, dtr in next ch-8 lp, ch 7, tr in next 6 tr made into a cluster, a p, ch 7, dtr in next lp, ch 7, dtr in next 6 dtr. Repeat from * around, join and fasten off.
ROW 7: Join White to 1st dtr in one 6-dtr group, ch 7, dtr in next 5 dtr, (ch 8, dtr in next dtr, ch 8, dtr in next p, ch 8, dtr in next dtr, ch 8, dtr in next 6 dtr) repeated around, join.
ROW 8: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 5 dtr, 9 sc in each ch-8 lp and sc in each dtr around. Join. Repeat Frill. Make 6 Flowers and sew on as for Centerpiece. Starch lightly, press partly dry, then stretch and pin right-side-up and leave until dry. Arrange Frills in even rlpples as starch dries.