Framed In Pansies Doily
One cone Lily Frost-tone Crochet Cotton in Ecru; Lily Sil-Tone Mercerized Crochet Cotton:-2 balls each Yellow, Orange, Lavender and Purple; 1 sk. Lily Six Strand Floss in Lt. Green.
Crochet hooks sizes 10 and 12.
Size 20 inches.
ROW 1:CENTER In Frost-Tone and size 10 hook, ch 7, sl st in 1st st. Ch 3, 17 dc in ring, sl st in 3-ch.
ROW 2: Ch 10, dtr in next dc, (ch 3, dtr in next dc) 16 times, ch 3, sl st in 7th st of 10-ch.
ROW 3: Ch 1, * (2 sc, ch 5, sl st in last sc for a p and 2 sc) all in next sp, sc in dtr. Repeat from * around. Sl st in 1st 1-ch.
ROW 4: Ch 12, turn, tr midway between next 2 ps, (ch 7, tr between next 2 ps) repeated around. Ch 7, sl st in 5th st of 12-ch.
ROW 5: Ch 3, turn, (2 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 hdc and 1 dc) in next lp, * (dc in same lp, dc in next tr and dc in next lp) holding back the last lp of each on hook, thread over and pull thru all 4 lps at once for a Cluster, (dc, hdc, sc, hdc and dc) in bal. of lp. Repeat from * around. In last half of final lp, make hdc, a 2-dc-Cluster, sl st in 1st dc.
ROW 6: Ch 3, dc in same st, * dc in next st, hdc in next, ch 1, sl st in next sc, ch 1, hdc in next st, dc in next, 3 dc in next. Repeat from * around. Complete 1st scallop with ch 1, hdc, 2 dc, sl st in 1st 3-ch.
ROW 7: Turn, (ch 7, sc in 5th ch st from hook for a p, ch 9, p, ch 3, sc in center dc of next scallop) repeated around. Cut 6 inches long, thread to a needle and fasten off on back.
ROW 8: Turn, join to one loop, (ch 8, p, ch 9, p, ch 4, sc in next lp) repeated around. Fasten off on back.
ROW 9: Turn, join to one lp, (ch 15, sc in next lp) 17 times, ch 8, dtr in next lp.
ROW 10: Ch 3, turn. 5 dc in dtr, (ch 9, 6 dc in 1 lp of center st of next lp) repeated around. Join final 9-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 11: Ch 10. turn. (dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch 7) repeated around. End with 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 10-ch.
ROW 12: Ch 3, turn, * 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next, ch 4, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next, 1 dc in next, ch 3, sc under center of next 2 lps, ch 5, sl st in sc for a p, sc under same lps, ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 13: Ch 7, turn, (dc in next 4 dc, ch 5, dc in next 4 dc, ch 3) repeated around. End with 3 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 7-ch.
ROW 14: Ch 3, turn, * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch 5, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 2-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 15: Ch 6, turn, * (5 dc, ch 5 and 5 dc) across next leaf, ch 3 and repeat from * around. End with 4 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 6-ch.
ROW 16: Ch 3, turn, (2 dc in next dc, dc in 3 dc, ch 5, dc in 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next, ch 3, dc in next dc) repeated around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 17: Ch 9, turn, * (6 dc, ch 5, 6 dc) across next leaf, ch 6 and repeat from * around. End with 5 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 9-ch.
ROW 18: Ch 3 turn, * 2 dc in next dc, 4 dc across, ch 5, (4 dc, a 2 dc increase and 1 dc) across next group, ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 19: Ch 6, turn. * (sc, a 5-ch p. sc) under next 2 lps, ch 3, (7 dc, ch 5, 7 dc) across next leaf, ch 3 and repeat from * around. End with 6 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 6-ch.
ROW 20: Ch 3, turn, (dc in next 2 dc) worked off tog. into 1 st for a decrease, dc in next 4 dc, * ch 5, dc in next 5 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 9, a dec. in 1st 2 dc of next group, dc in next 5 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 9-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 21: Ch 11, turn, * (6 dc, ch 5, 6 dc) across next leaf, ch 8 and repeat from * around. End with 5 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 11-ch.
ROW 22: Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 3 dc, * ch 5, 4 dc and a dec. across next group, ch 4, (sc, a p, sc) under center of next 2 lps, ch 4, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 4 -ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 23: Ch 17, turn, * a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 3, 2 dc in next dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 14 and repeat from * around. End with 2 dc in 1st dc of final group, 1 dc in next dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 17-ch.
ROW 24: Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next dc, * 2 dc in next dc, ch 1, 2 dc in next dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 16, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 16-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 25: Ch 13, turn, * (sc, p, sc) under center of next 2 lps, ch 10, (a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc) twice, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 10 and repeat from * around. Across final leaf make a dec. in 1st 2 dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, 1 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 13-ch.
ROW 26: Ch 3, turn, (a dec. 2 dc and a dec.) across leaf, * ch 12, a 2 dc-Cluster in next p, ch 12, (a dec. 3 dc and a dec.) across next leaf. Repeat from * around. Join final 12-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 27: Ch 18, turn, * a 2-dc-Cluster in next Cluster, ch 15, (a dec. 1 dc and a dec.) across next leaf, ch 15 and repeat from * around. End with 2 decs. and a sl st in 3d st of 1st 18-ch.
ROW 28: Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, * ch 16, a 2-dc-Cluster in next Cluster, ch 16, a 3-dc-Cluster in end of leaf. Repeat from * around. Join final 16-ch to 1st dc.
ROW 29: Ch 7 for a dtr, turn, * (ch 5, dtr) 3 times in same st. ch 11, sc in next Cluster, ch 11, dtr in next Cluster. Repeat from * around. Join final 11-ch to 7th st of 1st lp. Fasten off.
1st PANSY-In Orange Sil-Tone and size 12 hook, ch 7, sl st in 1st st. Ch 3, 15 dc in ring, sl st in 3-ch, ch 1 and in back lps only, (1 hdc, 2 dc and 1 tr) in next dc, (1 tr, 1 dc, 1 hdc and 1 sl st) in next dc. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 2: (Always work over end left from previous row.) In back lps, sl st in Purple in next 3 dc, ** ch 5, (dtr, ch 1, dtr) in same st with last sl st, ch 1, (dtr, ch 1. dtr, ch 5, sl st) in next dc, * sl st in next 2 dc, ch 5, dtr in same dc, (ch 1, dtr) 3 times in same dc, ch 5, sl st in same dc. Repeat from * once. Sl st in next 2 dc and repeat from ** to *. Sl st in next 2 dc, Ch 5, (dtr, ch 1, dtr) in 1st st on added shell, (ch 1, dtr) twice in each of next 6 sts, ch 5, sl st in next st. Make these 2 rows the same colors in all Pansies. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 3: Turn and join Yellow on other side between last 2 petals, * ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) in next 5-ch lp, (ch 1, dc) twice in each of next three 1-ch sps, (ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in next 5-ch lp, ch 1, sl st in center ring. Repeat from * around next 3 small petals, ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) in next 5-ch lp, ** ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp, (ch 1, dc) twice in next sp. Repeat from ** 5 times. Ch 1, dc in next sp, ch 1, (dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in next 5-ch lp, ch 1, sl st in center ring.
ROW 4: * Ch 1, dc between next 2 sc, ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp, (ch 1, tr) twice in each of next 9 sps, (ch 1, dc in next sp) twice, ch 1, sl st in center ring. Repeat from * around next 3 small petals. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 5 Turn, join Lavender in same place, * (ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp) twice, ch 1, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next sp. Repeat from * around all petals with a ch 1, sl st between petals.
ROW 6: (Ch 3, sc in next 1-ch sp) repeated around. Fasten off on back. Lap large bottom petal over side petals. Lap side petals over top petals. Lap top right petal over top left petal. Tack in place lightly. In Lt. Green Six Strand Floss, embroider an inverted "V" on bottom of center ring in
Row 1.
2d PANSY: Make Row 3 in Lavender, Rows 4 and 5 in Yellow and Row 6 in Orange.
3d PANSY:Make Row 3 in Yellow, bal. of rows in Lavender.
4th PANSY: Make Rows 3 and 4 in Lavender, Rows 5 and 6 in Yellow.
5th PANSY: Repeat 1st Pansy.
6th PANSY: Make Row 3 in Yellow, bal. of rows in Orange.
Repeat these 6 Pansies twice (18 in all). Tack tog. In order, by 3 lps on each side. Lap 2 top petals of each over edge of Center between points and sew in place on back.
Pin right-side-down in true shape on a padded board or table, stretching several inches to open out pattern. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.