Long Stem Roses Doily
DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art. 65: 1 skein each White, Emerald Green, Yellow and Shd Yellows, Size 20 or SKYTONE Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art. 1 ball each White, Emerald Green, Yellow shd. Yellows; and No. 10 or No. 12 Steel Crochet Hooks. LARGE DOILY (Size 18 inches).
Starting in center with White SKYTONE and No. 10 hook ch 8, join with sl st to form ring.
1st Round: Ch 6, (dc in ring, ch 3) 7 times, join to 3d st of ch 6.
2nd Round: Ch 3, 2 dc in same place, (3 dc in next sp, 3 dc in next dc) repeated around, join to ch 3, sl st in next dc.
3rd Round: Ch 6, dc in same dc, (ch 4, sk 5 dc, in next dc make dc, ch 3, dc) 7 times, ch 4, join to 3d st of ch 6.
4th Round: Ch 3, (5 dc in next sp, dc in next dc, 4 dc in next sp, dc in next dc) repeated around, join to ch 3, sl st in next 2 dc.
5th Round: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * ch 7, sk 1 dc, holding back the last lp of each dtr on hook, make dtr in next dc, sk 4 dc, dtr in next dc, thread over and draw thru all 3 lps on hook (Cluster made), ch 7, sk 1 dc, dc in next 3 dc; repeat from * around, join to ch 3, sl st in next dc.
6th Round: Ch 3,* (dc in next dc, dc in next sp) made into a cluster, 7 dc in bal. of sp, ch 5, 7 dc in next sp, (dc in same sp, dc in next dc) made into a cluster, dc in next dc, repeat from * around, end with 2-dc cluster, join to ch 3.
7th Round: Ch 3, dc in next Cluster, ch 9, sk 7 dc, in center st of next ch 5 lp make dc, ch 5, dc; ch 9, sk 7 dc, dc in next 3 dc, repeat from * around, end with 1 dc, join to ch 3.
8th Round: Ch 3, * (dc in next dc, dc in next sp) made into a cluster, 8 dc in bal. of sp, dc in next dc, in next sp make 2 dc, 3 dc in center st and 2 dc, dc in next dc, 8 dc in next sp, (dc in same sp, dc in next dc) made into a cluster, dc in next dc, repeat from * around, end with 2 dc cluster, join to ch 3.
9th Round: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 15, sk 12 dc, sc in next dc, ch 15, sk 12 dc, dc in next 3 dc) repeated around; end with 1 dc, join to ch-3.
10th Round: Ch 3, * (dc in next dc, dc in next sp) made into a cluster, 10 dc in 3/4s of same sp, ch 6, sl st in 1 lp of 4th ch from hook for a p, ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 6, p, ch 3, 10 dc in left 3/4s of next sp, (dc in same sp, dc in next dc) made into a Cluster, dc in next dc, repeat from * around, end with cluster, join to ch 3.
11th Round: Ch 3, dc in next dc, * ch 12, sk 9 dc, sc in end dc, ch 6, p, ch 3, in dc between p lps make tr, ch 6, p, ch 3 and tr, ch 6, p, ch 3, sc in next dc, ch 12, sk 9 dc, dc in next 3 dc, repeat from * around; end with 1 dc, join to ch 3.
12th Round: Ch 3, * (dc in next dc, 2 dc in next sp) make into a Cluster, 6 dc in 2/3'ds of same sp, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, 6 dc in left 2/3'ds of next sp, (2 dc in same sp, dc in next dc) made into a cluster, dc in next dc; repeat from * around; end with 3 dc cluster, join to ch 3.
13th Round: Ch 5, tr in next dc, * ch 4, sk 5 dc, tr in end dc, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, in center st of next p lp make tr, ch 6, p, ch 3 and tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next dc, ch 4, sk 5 dc, tr in next 3 dc; repeat from * around; end with 1 tr, join to ch 5.
14th Round: Ch 5, 2 tr in same place, * 2 tr in next tr, sk ch 5, sl st in next tr, ch 12, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 6 p, ch 8, p, ch 3, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 9, sl st in next tr, 2 tr down in next tr, 3 tr in next tr; repeat from * around, join to ch 5.
15th Round: Ch 5, (tr in next 2 tr made into a cluster) twice, * sl st in 5th st of next p-lp, ch 12, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 7, p, ch 4, in center st of next p-lp make tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3 and tr; (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) twice, ch 7, p, ch 9, sl st 5th ch to left of next p, tr in next 2 tr made into a cluster, tr in next 3 tr made into a cluster, tr in next 2 tr made into a cluster; repeat from * around, join to 1st cluster made.
16th Round: Ch 5, tr in next cluster, sl st in 5th st of next p-lp, ch 12, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) twice, * ch 7, p, ch 4, in center st of next p-lp make tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3 and tr; (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 3 times, ch 7, p, ch 9, sl st in 5th st past next p, ** tr in next 3 clusters made into a cluster, sl st in 5th st of next p-lp, ch 4, remove hook from lp, insert it back in 5th st up previous p-lp, catch lp and draw thru (joining-sl st made), (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 3 times; repeat from around, ending at **, tr down in next tr, sk ch 5, join to next tr, sl st in next 5 ch, make a joining-sl st back in 5th st up previous p-lp.
17th Round: Ch 7, tr in same st, (ch 2, tr) 3 times in same st, * (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 4 times, ch 7, p, ch in center st of next p-lp make tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3 and tr; (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 4 times, ch 7, p, ch 4, tr between next 2 p-lps, (ch 2, tr) 4 times in same place; repeat from * around, join to 5th st of ch 7.
18th Round: Ch 11, p, ch 3, tr in next tr, (ch 6, p, ch tr in next tr) 3 times, * (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 5 times, ch 7, p, ch 4, in center st of next p-lp make tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3 and tr; (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) 6 times, (ch 6; p, ch 3, tr in next tr) 4 times; repeat from * around, join to 5th st of 1st p-lp.
19th Round: Ch 12, p, ch 4, tr in next tr, (ch 7, p, ch 4, tr in next tr) repeated around with an extra lp of tr, ch 6, p, ch 8, p, ch 3 and tr added on each point as in previous rnds; join to 5th st of 1st p-lp. Fasten off.
20th Round: Attach Emerald Green to any tr, ch 3, 2 dc in same tr, * (ch 7,-p, ch 4, 3 dc in next tr) repeated to center st at next point, ch 7, p, ch 4, 3 dc in same st; repeat from * around; join to ch-3. Fasten off.
ROSE-BUD: 1st Petal Group With Yellow SKYTONE ch 7, join with sl st to form ring. Ch 3, 15 dc in ring, join to ch-3 petal (ch 4, sc in same st, ch 4, sc in next st) 3 times, ch 4, sc in same st (7 lps).
ROW 2-6: Ch 4, turn, sc in 1st lp, (ch 2, sc in next lp) 6 times. Repeat Row 2 four times (thru Row 6).
ROW 7: Ch 4, turn, sc in 1st lp, (ch 2, sc in next lp) 5 times, ch 1, hdc in end lp.
ROW 8-10: Ch 3, turn, sc in next ch-2 lp, (ch 2, sc in next lp) repeated across to 2nd lp from end, ch 1, hdc in end lp. Repeat Row 8 twice (thru Row 10, - 4 lps left). Cut, leaving a 1-inch end.
2nd Petal: (Turn, attach to next st on center and repeat 1st petal) 3 times (4 petals made).
Edge: With same side facing, attach to center between any 2 petals, * work sc up side of next petal to top, sc and 2 hdc in 1st lp in Row 10, 3 dc in next lp, dc in next sc, ch 2, sl st in last dc for a p, 3 dc in next lp, 2 hdc and 1 sc in next lp, work sc down side of petal, sl st in center between petals; repeat from * around petals; fasten off.
2nd Petal Group: With Shd. Yellows SKYTONE, ch 6, join with sl st to form ring. Ch 2, 11 hdc in ring, join to ch-2. * Repeat Petals of 1st Group thru 3 petals; repeat Edge. *
3rd Petal Group: With Shd. Yellows SKYTONE, ch 7, join with sl st to form ring. Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, join to 1st sc. Repeat 2d Petal Group from * to *. Lap petals tightly, tack into a tube for center of bud, sew on top of 2d Group tacking those petals up around bud center Sew on top of 1st Group, tacking petals into a bud shape. Make 8 Roses.
STEM AND CALYX: With Green, ch 35, sc in 2d ch from hook, hdc in next 29 ch, dc in next 3 ch, (2 dc in end ch) made into a Cluster. * Ch 10, sk 1 ch, sc in next 4 ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next 3 ch, sl st in end ch, ** Sc in bar of end dc of stem, repeat from * twice. Fasten off. Sew one on base of each Rose.
LEAF: With Green, ch 6, sk 1 ch, sc in next 4 ch, 3 sc in end ch, sc in next 3 sts on other side of ch. Work all following rows in back lps only.
ROW 2: Ch 3, turn, Sc in 1st 4 sc, 3 sc in next (center) sc, sc in next 4 sc.
ROW 3: Ch 3, turn, sc in 1st 5 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc.
ROW 4: Ch 3, turn, sc in 1st 6 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc.
ROW 5: Ch 3, turn, sc in 1st 7 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc.
Repeat Row 5 six times (thru Row 11). Sl st in next sc. Fasten off. Make 16 Leaves. Tack one on each side of stems 1 1/8th inches from end. Sew a Rose Spray on each point of Doily, tacking down the stem, tips of leaves and back of rose.
SMALL DOILY: (Size - 16 inches) Repeat with DAISY and No. 12 hook. Make two. Starch doilies. When partially dry, stretch and pin right-side-up in true shape. Make a stand up frill in edge in angle between points and curl tips of rose petals over. Leave until dry.