L'Etoile Doily
This set consists of 3 Doilies, approx. 14 inches, 10 inches and 8 inches. MATERIALS — D•M•C Crochet Superba, Art. 163; Size 30, White, Ecru or Ivory, 2 balls (A) and Rainbow No. 109 (or Shaded Colors) 2 balls (B).
Steel Crochet Hook, Size 13.
Note (1): Petal Group ** Ch 5, yo twice, draw up a loop in 5th ch from hook, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops, * yo twice, draw up a loop in same ch just used, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops * ; repeat from * once, yo, thru all 4 loops on hook, ** ch 1 (Eye); Repeat from ** once, ch 1.
NOTE(2): Large-petal Group—** ch 6, yo 3 times, draw up a loop in 6th ch from hook, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops, * yo 3 times, draw up a loop in same ch just used, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops, yo, thru 2 loops, * ; rpt between * once, yo, thru all 4 loops on hook **, ch 1 (Eye); rpt between ** once, ch 1.
14-in. DOILY (Work all rnds from right side)
Center-Rnd 1: With Color A make a loop on hook, ch 6, 1 dc in 6th ch from hook, ch 2, work [1 dc, ch 2] 4 times in same ch just used, join (with slip st) in 3rd ch of ch-6; (6 sps in rnd).
Rnd 2:Ch 1, 1 sc in joined st, * [ch 13, 1 sc, ch 13, 1 sc] in next sp, ch 13, 1 sc in next dc; rpt from * around, in last rpt (repeat) omit last sc, join (in first sc); (18 Loops in rnd), fasten off.
Rnd 3: 1 sc in any Loop, [ch 3, 1 sc] in each remaining Loop, ch 3, join.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, skip joined sc, * 2 sc in next Loop, a group of 3 sc in center ch of Loop just used, 2 more sc in same Loop; rpt from * around, join.
Rnds 5 and 6: Ch 1, skip joined sc, working in back loop of sts, * 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, skip next 2 sc; rpt from * around, join.
Rnd 7: Skip joined sc, slip st to center sc of next 3-sc group, 1 sc in center sc, work a Petal-Group (see Note 1, above), * 1 sc in center sc of next 3-sc group, work a Petal-Group; rpt from * around, join; (18 Petal-Groups in round. )
Rnd 8: Skip joined sc, slip at to Eye of next Petal-Group, 1 sc around Eye, work a Petal-group, * 1 sc around Eye of next Petal-Group, work a Petal-Group; rpt from * around, join.
Rnd 9: Skip joined sc, slip at to Eye of next Petal-Group, 1 sc around Eye, ch 11, * 1 sc around Eye of next Petal-Group, ch 11; rpt from * around, join; (18 Loops in round).
Rnd 10: Ch 1, skip joined sc, * 1 sc in each of next 5 chs, 3 sc in next ch, 1 sc in each of next 5 chs, skip next sc; rpt from * around, join.
Rnd 11: Ch 1, skip joined sc, working in back loops of sts, * 1 sc in each of next 5 sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, 1 sc in each of next 5 sc, skip next 2 sc; rpt from * around, join.
Rpt rnds 7 and 8 only work Large-petal Groups (see Note 2).
Rnd 14: Skip joined sc, sl st to next Eye, 1 sc around Eye, ch 21, * 1 sc around next Eye; ch 21; rpt from * around, join.
Rnd 15: Ch 1, skip joined sc, *1 sc in each of next 10 chs, 3 sc in next ch, 1 sc in each of next 10 chs, skip next sc; rpt from * around, join.
Rnd 16: Ch 1, skip joined sc, working in back loop of sts, * 1 sc in each of next 10 sc, 3 sc in center sc of next 3-sc group, 1 sc in each of next 10 sc, skip next 2 sc; rpt from * around, join, fasten off.
Rnd 17: Skip joined sc and next sc, working in back loop of sts, 1 dc in next sc, ** [ch 2, skip 2 sc, 1 dc in next sc] three times *, ch 2, 1 more dc in last sc just used; rpt between * once, skip next 4 sc, 1 dc in next sc; rpt from ** around, in last rpt omit last dc, join in first dc.
Rnd 18: Ch 1, skip joined dc, **, * 2 sc in next sp, 1 sc in next dc rpt between * twice, 2 sc in next Loop, 3 sc in center ch of this same Loop, 2 more sc in same Loop, 1 sc in next dc; rpt between * twice, 2 sc in next sp, skip next 2 dc; rpt from ** around, join.
Rnd 19: Ch 1, skip joined sc, working in back loop of sts, * 1 sc in each of next 11 sc, 3 sc in center sc of next 3-sc group, 1 sc in each of next 11 sc, skip next 2 sc; rpt from * around, join; (18 scallops in round) fasten off.
Rnd 20: Working in back loop of sts, 3 sc in center sc of any 3-sc group, * 1 sc in each of next 5 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, 1 sc in each of next 5 sc, skip next 2 sc, 1 sc in each of next 6 sc, ch 13, drop loop from hook, insert hook in ch-1 of previous scallop and draw dropped loop thru, ch 1, 1 sc in each of first 6 chs just made, 3 sc in next ch, 1 sc in each of next 6 chs, 1 sc in each of next 5 sc of scallop, 3 sc in
center sc of next 3-sc group; rpt from * around, in last rpt omit last 3 sc, join; (36 scallops in round).
Rnd 21: Skip joined sc, 1 sc in center sc of next 3-sc group, work a Large-petal Group; rpt from * around, join.
Rpt rnd 8 only work Large-petal Groups. Work should measure 8-ins., fasten off.
ROUND MOTIF (Each Motif should measure 2 3/4 inches). With Color B ch 15 for Stem, work a Cluster as follows:- Ch 4, 3 dc in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, slip st in same ch, just used, make 4 more clusters, slip st in each of 15 chs on stem, **, * ch 19, 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, drop loop from hook, insert hook in center dc of last cluster on previous stem and draw dropped loop thru, work 1 more dc in same ch just used, ch 3, slip st in same ch **, work 4 more clusters, slip st in each of 15 chs on Stem; rpt from * 9 times; rpt between ** once, work 3 more Clusters, ch 4, 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, drop loop from hook, insert hook in center dc of first cluster on first stem and draw dropped loop thru, work 1 more dc in same ch just used, ch 3, slip st in same ch, slip st in each of 15 chs on stem, join in first ch of first
stem, fasten off. Make 11 more Round Motifs. Tack together into a ring around Center as in picture.
10 inches.
DOILY Center: Work to end of rnd 1 of 14-in. Doily.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, 1 sc in joined st, * [ch 24, 1 sc, ch 24, 1 sc, ch 24, 1 sc] in next sp, ch 24, 1 sc in next dc; rpt from * around, in last rpt omit last sc, join (in first sc); (24 Loops in rnd), fasten off.
Rpt rnds 3, 4, 5 and 6 of 14-in. Doily.
Rnd 7: Ch 4, skip joined sc and next 2 sc, [1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc] in center sc of next 3-sc group, ch 1, skip next 3 sc, 1 dc in next sp, ch 1, skip next 3 sc; rpt from * 22 times, [1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc] in center sc of next 3-sc group, ch 1, skip next 3 sc, join in 3rd ch of ch-4.
Rnd 8: Ch 1, skip joined st, * 1 sc in next sp, 1 sc in next dc, 2 sc in next Loop, 3 sc in center ch of this same Loop, 2 more sc in same Loop, 1 sc in next dc, 1 sc in next sp, skip next dc; rpt from * around, join.
Rnds 9 and 10: Rpt rnd 5 of 14-in. Doily only work 1 sc in each of 4 sc instead of in each of 2 sc. Rpt rnds 7 and 8 of 14-in. Doily (24 Petal-Groups). Center should measure 4 1/2 inches, fasten off. Make 8 Round Motifs as for 14-in. Doily. Tack together into a ring around Center as in picture. 8-in. DOILY-Center-Work to end of rnd 7 of 14-in. Doily. Center should measure 2 1/2 inches, fasten off.
Make 6 Round Motifs as for 14-in. Doily. Tack together into a ring around Center as in picture. Block or press.